Friday, December 27, 2024

So what rewards would you like to see for the Valens Heritage Book 10 Kickstarter?

As hopefully all of you know, next week I'm going to launch yet another kickstarter - this one for book 10 in Valens Heritage. Which will close out that series.
I need reward levels for it still. I also need add-ons. (My recent substack post also mentions this).

I've got three rewards currently:

  • Ebook
  • Signed Paperback
  • All Ten Signed Paperbacks (not exactly cheap).

Two Add-ons:

  • Signed copies of all 18 Valens Legacy paperbacks plus wives tales (very not cheap)
  • Set of the 6 pinups I did of the first six wives of Sean's from Valens Legacy (limited number, not very expensive - I thought some folks might want them as I stopped selling them long ago).

And that's pretty much -IT-.
Obviously I need some more ideas and suggestions, please!

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Dan's Inferno, Book V : Dominance is Funded!

That's right! It funded yesterday on Christmas - a nice touch to be honest.

As of this post, it's got 40 minutes left and is almost $1000 past the goal.

So I need to finish Wolfhounds 5 ASAP (almost done) 

Write POI #12

Then Dan's Inferno V

Then the second book in the Wolfhounds Spin-Off trilogy (Valley of Fire

THEN write the first book in the Wolfhounds follow on series.

Oh, and I think I need to sleep in there somewhere - and write the sequel to Sometimes in the Fall.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

I'm up for an Award!

In other news I seem to have gotten nominated for an award?
It would appear that the Audiobook version of 'Force Majeure' is up for 'Best SciFi Audiobook' on the 'Discover Sci-Fi' website.
On the Second Page of the selections, 'War Child' has been nominated for 'Best Military SciFi'!

I have no idea how big the DSF awards are (The publishing company for my audiobooks contacted me, so apparently it has some standing), but I'd appreciate it, if you'd all go vote for me.

Portals Of Infinity books are ON SALE now!!


Portals Of Infinity books One thru Seven go on Sale Today on Amazon!

Yes, my first Best-Selling Series, the one that revived Portal Fiction over a decade ago, and also helped start the current interest in Harem stories (and was considered LitRPG at first because it was based very much on tabletop – but there’s no stats or charts, just discussions on ‘rules’) is On Sale!

Starting today (at Noon, Amazon time – no I’m not sure when that is!) until the 28th, the first four books (Champion For Hire, The God Game, Temples & Trials, The Sea of Grass) will be on sale for 99 cents!

Books Five thru Seven (Demigods and Deities, Reprisal, Kaiju), will be On Sale for $1.99!

Don’t miss it! Read the stories that helped launch two of the biggest genres that you’re all reading today!

(Note: Yes, there will be more POI books, I just got delayed on writing book #12 due to life events this year – and Wolfhounds)

Thursday, December 19, 2024

I don't think it's going to fund (Dan's Inferno Book 5)

 It's got 6 days left to run, and still needs $6K. Less than 200 people kicked in. 

It's probably safe to say that there wasn't the interest that I was led to believe by folks.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Dan's Inferno Kickstarter is down to three weeks!

 Just a reminder to everyone!

The Dan's Inferno Kickstarter is down to THREE WEEKS!!
So if you want to See Book 5, time to start spreading the word around. A lot of people bought book 4, so I'm sure there's more than enough who'd like book 5, but I'm guessing that they haven't heard about it.
So spread the word! We're almost 2/3rds of the way there!
The only way this book will happen is if this kickstarter succeeds! So don't be shy and spread the word!

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

I have an eARC up for Sale at Baen Books!

 Sometimes In The Fall is currently available as an 'eARC' on Baen Books website.

What's an eARC? It's an electronic Advanced Reader's Copy. It hasn't gone to press yet and may still have a typo or three in it. But you can see it now instead of waiting until March, if you want to.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Thanksgiving Day Sales!


Or perhaps Thanksgiving Week!

The following series are on Sale during the week of Thanksgiving in the US and UK on Amazon (I'd do more places, but Amazon's sales are limited).


As John Van Stry:


WOLFHOUNDS ($1.99) - US & UK

Stand Alone, Book 1:             11/25 to 12/1

Taking Ground, Book 2:         11/26 to 12/2

Force Majeure, Book 3:          11/27 to 12/3

War Child, Book 4:                 11/28 to 12/4


GHOST WARRIOR: (11/25 - 12/1) - US & UK

Serendipity :    99 cents

Necessity:        99 cents


As Jan Stryvant:


VALENS LEGACY: (11/25 to 12/1) - US & UK

Black Friday -             99 cents

Perfect Strangers -      99 cents

Over Our Heads -       $1.99

Head Down -              $1.99

When It Falls -            $1.99




This special two book bundle will be on sale from tomorrow - 11/22 (Unless Amazon messes up) until the end of November! This is book One & Two in a bundle. The price of the two books, by themselves has not changed! To get this special price, you have to buy the bundle.


Saturday, November 16, 2024

Two New Options - But They're Limited!

 This is for the Dan's Inferno, Book V : Dominance Kickstarter

I have created 2 (Two) add-ons for those who are interested!

Have you ever wanted to be a villain? And maybe not just any villain, but a villain in a world of Mages and demons? In California?
Or perhaps you just want to be a henchman - the kind that dies. Messily. Well you can be that too!
Here are the two new addons:

For $50:
Redshirts & Henchmen are those people who die, sometimes gloriously, sometimes ignominiously. This add-on will get -you- redshirted in the book! You may or may not be a henchman, but you will most certainly be buying it, or shuffled off to some terrible fate. 
Go to my Kickstarter if you want to see more of the details.
Remember! This is an 'Add-on' so you must already have a bid to choose it!

For $250:
So, you want to be a Villain? Well here's your chance! This reward will get you one of the villains in the book named after you. You will also be allowed to supply me with a short description, however understand I am under no obligation to use it, though I will try and keep it in the spirit of your description (as long as you do not go over the top - but do feel free to make some changes if you wish and don't go over 100 words). Odds are good that your villain will die, probably horribly, but hey, that's just the way it goes when you're a villain, right?
Go to my Kickstarter if you want to see more of the details.
Remember! This is an 'Add-on' so you must already have a bid to choose it!

Tuesday, November 05, 2024

We're a Third of the Way There!

The Kickstarter for Dan's Inferno, Book V: Dominance is now ONE THIRD Funded!!

That's right, we're one third of the way there and quickly closing in on Half!

I will be offering some new add ons later in the week, as I work through some of the plot in my spare time. First will be villian slots - there will be at least three villians in this story (who will die, horribly I'm sure) as well as a number of just hanger's on and henchmen.

Those spots will be offered if you want to be one of them! (Villains won't be cheap, but then they never are, are they?) Henchmen, eh, not so much... 

I may even offer a spot as a demon or two later on. And of course once we draw closer to the goal, I'll start offering stretch goals, which will be short stories for those Zoo Level and above.

So keep an eye on this space!

If you haven't looked at it already, please go take a look.You might just like it!


Sunday, October 27, 2024

I have a Kickstarter!! Check it out!

Yes, I have a kickstarter for Book V: Dominance, of Dan's Inferno. There was always supposed to be a book 5, but back then 4 kinda slumped off. But interest is back, (or I'm being told it is) so! Here it is!

Check it out, read the story, all of that. And if that's enough to sway you, please pledge!

But, at the very least, go take a look. Who knows, maybe you'll have some good advice!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Something I wrote on Substack

 So I thought I'd share it here - so folks can follow me there too if they like. 

Though that's a bit more focused on writing than what I put here.

On Letting Go