Portals Of Infinity books One thru Seven go on Sale Today on Amazon!
Yes, my first Best-Selling Series, the one that revived Portal Fiction over a decade ago, and also helped start the current interest in Harem stories (and was considered LitRPG at first because it was based very much on tabletop – but there’s no stats or charts, just discussions on ‘rules’) is On Sale!
Starting today (at Noon, Amazon time – no I’m not sure when that is!) until the 28th, the first four books (Champion For Hire, The God Game, Temples & Trials, The Sea of Grass) will be on sale for 99 cents!
Books Five thru Seven (Demigods and Deities, Reprisal, Kaiju), will be On Sale for $1.99!
Don’t miss it! Read the stories that helped launch two of the biggest genres that you’re all reading today!
(Note: Yes, there will be more POI books, I just got delayed on writing book #12 due to life events this year – and Wolfhounds)