Monday, July 20, 2015

No More Furry Fiction

(Note: This does not apply to my POI series, nor the other series I have in the works.)

Sorry to have to announce this, but the piracy of my anthro works has become so bad in the 'furry fandom' that it's destroyed my sales of those works, and now I'm losing money on them. So I won't be writing them anymore, unless paid up front.
I have bills to pay, I have to eat. So I'm only going to write those things I actually make money on. Sales of the Anthro stuff have never equaled my other stuff, because it is a SMALL market. But I enjoy writing that stuff, because it's where my roots as a writer are. So I was willing to deal with the smaller profit. But when I find my stuff being spread throughout the fandom and my sales of it crash the same week that the pirated files hit a fan site:

Well, I'm done.

I do not understand the reasoning of people who think that stealing the work of people who are producing the stuff they like will encourage them to make more. No, it encourages us to stop.

I apologize to all of you who like my work, and wanted to see more in the COS arc, and the COS universe. I'm sorry that there will not be a sequel to Interregnum, as a project it has been shelved.


  1. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Thats so sad.
    COS was the book that introduced me to your works.

  2. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I'm sorry to hear this, but piracy isn't something you can avoid. What will you do when the rest of your work will be pirated (because it'll happen sooner or later) will you quit writing altogether?

  3. To the second Anonymous comment: YES!
    Now, let me explain:
    All of my work is pirated. The moment I publish a new POI book it hits certain pirate sites fairly quickly. BUT, only a small percentage of my readers of those books, so I make enough money to live.
    But in the 'Furry' or 'Anthro' market, the piracy has gotten so bad that my stuff is showing up on mainstream furry sites, AND I'm seeing a serious drop in my sales. As of this moment, writing Interregnum has cost me over $200. See, I have to pay for cover art, and editing, and I haven't made that money back because sales dropped. At the rate I'm going, I won't see a profit on that book until November.

    You have to understand something (which you apparently do not) I DO NOT DO THIS FOR FREE! Understand? I DO THIS FOR A LIVING. Once I no longer get paid to do it, and get paid well enough to pay my bills, I will stop doing it. Because I'll have to do something else to make the money to eat, pay rent, buy clothes, all that stuff that other people don't give away for free.

    That's the thing that annoys me the most about pirates: They're STEALING and no one seems to care. And they're not stealing from big companies or corporations that it has only a small impact on. No, they're stealing from small time artists like myself who are working hard, trying to get by.

    I spent over Seven Hundred Hours writing Interregum. At this point I have not only made NO money on it, but I'm over $200 in the hole. The book has been out almost three months. Normally I make back the money I pay for artwork and editing withing two days. On Interregum, I figured it would take two weeks, because the market is smaller. But I was willing to accept that challenge.

    Now I'll be lucky to see that money back by the end of the year. And you think that isn't a reason to stop? At a $10 an hour minimum wage, for me to 'make' that much money for the time I put into the novel, and be paid back for what I put into it, I'd have to sell over three thousand copies. But I was willing to make less than MINIMUM wage, and had hoped to sell over two thousand. Now, thanks to pirating, I will be luck to sell five hundred. Burger flippers at McDonalds make more than that.

    So again, if pirates get big enough that I'm not making any money, yes, I stop writing. And if I ever find the people who are pirating me? I will do to them exactly what they are doing to me. Bet they don't like it either.

  4. not to bash your other series or anything but will portals of infinity still be continued or is it done for?
    im just confused because u mention furry i have not ready your other works so idk if you were referring to them or another book

    "COS arc, and the COS universe. I'm sorry that there will not be a sequel to Interregnum, as a project it has been shelved."

  5. Portals of Infinity will continue. The next book should be out soon, as it's almost finished. It has not been pirated to the extent that the other series has been.

    COS is the 'Children of Steel' story arc and universe. It has a smaller audience than POI does.

    Hope this clears up any confusion.


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