Monday, October 31, 2016

I usually don't talk things political here anymore, but sometimes...

This was triggered by reading yet another clueless lawyer who has no understanding at all what the law is, or why it exists, or how it is supposed to work, or why it even does.

In short, they were upset that the guys who took over the wildlife refuge in Oregon were all acquitted in court, totally ignoring the complete farce of laws and legal proceedings that led to the situation in the first place. Oh sure, no 'laws' were broken in that farce, but only because the laws involved are completely unjust, and the people behind the entire situation are in a word, evil. Not just misguided, but evil. I used to live in Oregon, I'm totally familiar with the history of what led to the situation, and a bigger abuse of government powers you will hopefully never see in your lifetimes.

That being said:

(this is being written as a monologue as it is addressed to a particular big name lawyer)

On the Law.

The problem with you, is that you have no idea why laws work. You think that because you're a lawyer and you know what laws are and how they're supposed to work, that you understand laws and the reasons we have them. But that is just all that crap you learned in law school, taught to you by other clueless idiots who think that abusing the fabric of society for their own personal gain is a good thing.
You have no understanding of how civilization works. You have even less of an understanding of how republics or democracies work. You do not understand the basic reason for law, and how laws work in a society or more importantly in our society.
You do not, at all. You are completely clueless and stupid on the subject.
Allow me to explain. The law itself means nothing; the law is just a series of rules, like the rules of a game. In fact that is exactly what laws are, they are the rules to this game, which we call civilization. In order for the game to work, the rules must apply equally to everybody. Got that? Everyone has to follow the same rules and have the same rules apply to them equally. Everyone.
Now we've all played games as children with the one kid who decided to keep adding more and more rules, bizarre rules, rules that only applied to them, or to others, or their friends, or forced people to do something that they, the kid in charge, wanted done.
And what did we do in response? Right, we all stopped playing the game. Well, that is exactly what we are seeing here. The lawyers, who are in fact just 'rules lawyers' people whose only purpose in life is to twist things so that they make money and get their way, have created so many rules, or laws, that they can do whatever the heck they want, whenever the heck they want, and they will mess you up if you don't bow to them and their little 'game'.
So some people have fallen back to older rules, rules that will always apply: Force. They have taken their guns and they have said NO. The fact that you cannot seem to understand this most basic of laws proves that you really have no understanding of the law at all. Or why the law exists. Or why the law even works. Like the spoiled eight-year-old brat you have bent and abused the law to the point where the rest of us do not want to play your game anymore.
It starts with us not following some of the laws and ends with us not following any of the laws anymore, except those that are the most basic to the human condition. It ends with the game we have been playing here called 'civilization' and 'government' coming to a screeching halt, and with those of us who refuse to play anymore brawling with those of you who ran the game and those friends of yours who you gave the special rules, to try and force us to play longer.
And now you're crying because the time has come to face the consequences for all of your crap. Any law that the average man cannot understand, is a law not worth having. Any law that singles out one person or one group for special privileges or punishments is a law not worth obeying. When men in freaking robes with special degrees who have to pass an exclusive test in order to 'interpret' the law, it's not law anymore! It's religion!
You want people to follow the law? Then stop gaming the system. Stop making thousands of laws for the sole purpose of allowing you to bend them. Stop raising up a special class of people who are the only ones allowed to 'practice' law, hell we don't even do that with preachers!
And when you completely fail at keeping the rules fair and just, don't complain when someone shoots you in the head. Because you deserve it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:38 PM

    while you and I are at opposite ends of the political spectrum, and probably don't even see reality the same way, I think you nailed this. I don't recall a simpler, clearer summary of this issue. Good job, I hope it gets disseminated widely.
    Also, realistically, we ought to expect people to try to game the system. We need a more robust, more systemic, countermeasure built into the system to limit the behavior. Yes, the very last backstop is what you describe, but a good (or better, at least) system would have more features designed into it to reduce this issue. People get all religious about the constitution; it was simply the best attempt they could manage at the time (and has been altered, for better and for worse by each subsequent attempt). It's not perfect, and it really failed to adequately stop several issues. Now, the declaration...that's pretty darn fine work, as far as it goes. But I'd argue we need some significant constitutional tweaking or we'll eventually hit your backstop. And that's simply a failure of the design. I'd like to think something better is possible (not nec probable at this stage).


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