Friday, December 23, 2016

Where do I find audio book customers?

So, I was talking to the man who is currently doing my audio books today, as they'd just finished Past Tense, book 1 in the Days of Future Past trilogy (look for it on Audible in about a week, unless Christmas slows them down) and I wondered:

Where do I find people who like audio books?

I wonder about this, because I want to try and go and advertise there. I want the audio books to do well, because I want the people who are making them to make money. So they'll make more of them. Which is a nice simple logic. The problem is, I don't know much about the audio book business. I don't listen to them, and I really don't have any friends who do. So I don't know how to go about finding audio book customers.

So if you know of a good place for me to go and advertise, please let me know!

Oh, and here is the link for the Wolf Killer audio book on Audible:
It can be found on Amazon and iTunes as well.



  1. I thought I'd respond since I have listened to your audible version of Portals of Infinity (Book 1 & Book 2) that I quite literally stumbled upon. There are genre forums where various books are discussed, but I don't frequent those virtual venues ( an example is the litrpgonline ). There are author forums for die hards of individuals (like Brandon sanderson's forum). Generally there is no location for audiobooks like that though. Most of my audiobook purchases come from audible's sales (book of the day, 2 for 1, etc). The next come from the audible "recommendations", where audible will recommend you a book based on what you have listened to. Finally I know many follow reviewers and follow those "super reviewers" suggestions.

    In other words the place to advertise is literally in the audible sphere. I don't know how certain books become part of those special sales or events, but a sale on book 1 (if the person likes it) they are more likely to pay a full credit for book 2 (and book 3). For example I would not really be interested in "wolf killer" right now, but if you had "Book 3" available I would have picked that up (and be listening to it on the way home tonight). if you had book 1 available as a sale event others might pick it up, and fall into the same "binge line" as well.

    Right now you need exposure (a large amount of good reviews), which will get it into more of the "recommendations" that audible will give off. so get book 1 into as many hands as you can possibly get. (at least for portals of infinity). Drum up reviews any way you can, because that's the juice you need to boost those sales.

    1. Thanks. I do get a number of free copies to give away, for the purpose of getting reviews and such. I think I'm going to start reaching out to people here, and see who wants them. Especially as I have another book coming out on ACX/Audible here in the next few days.


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