Saturday, May 29, 2021

Free Book

 In the search for answers I'm putting one of my books up for free from tomorrow for five days. This is probably my worst selling book ever and someone told me yesterday that the story was good, they just felt the cover was giving people the wrong idea? So take a look (if you want) and feel free to tell me: Does it suck? Or does it need a better cover? Or is it something else? 


  1. The cover comes across more as a historical romance than fantasy, but I wouldn’t call it “bad” as much as “possibly misleading “. I’d rather wondered why you never did a sequel, but if the sales weren’t there …

    I guess I’m in the minority, because I quite liked it and hoped to see more set in that world.

    1. It still hasn't sold a thousand copies. There was another story in that world I was going to do, I had about 40K words of it written when I saw how bad the other one did, so it got shelved. Probably won't ever be finished as it's not worth publishing.

  2. I just finished reading it yesterday. I don't think the cover helped the book. I'm not sure why I didn't see it when it came out, as I was reading your books by then. I think I have read everything else you have out? I liked the book and would read more stories in that world. I think part of the problem was that this book is so different from your other books, perhaps that is why it didn't take off?

    1. Back when I wrote it, I was trying to spread out and diversify my work, like a lot of my favorite authors had done. I've since learned you can't do that unless you come up with a new name.

  3. Just finished it and I liked it but the cover and the description doesn't help.

    The one complaint I have against it was that their seemed to *missing* alot of world building. It reminded me of a novel that I read recently that was a backstory-stand alone novel that was set in an already existing 3 novel series, that the author was soon going to release book four in.

    I think if the work had been like that or if the story line had been broken up into 3 books then, for me, it might have flowed better.

    Still, like I said, I enjoyed it.


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