Sunday, November 01, 2015

A Few Comments on the New POI Book, Reprisal

A few things seem to have come up in the comments on the new book.

One is that there was little time spent talking about Laria's time acclimating to some of the changes she went through. To be honest, I had thought about writing on that, but I honestly didn't think people would be interested in reading it. Apparently that may have been a mistake, so I'm considering writing a short story, to go over the few weeks she and Will spent at the faire. If I do write it, (and I probably will) it will go up on my website, for free.

The other has to deal with Laria being able to bring something back, that William was not allowed to. Fel made the simple comment that 'she was carrying it, you weren't'. Which in this particular case is true. Now there has been some debate over this, and while I find it kinda cool that there are people into my writing enough to debate some of the aspects and plot points, there is actually more to it than was let on by Fel at that point.

I'm sorta debating how much I really want to go into it here, because I was thinking of using this as a minor plot point in Nikki's story, but yes, it is more complicated than people seem to be thinking. Yes, Laria was able to bring back an item that Will could not. Something that Will had not considered. Which may perhaps be a little surprising when you think how often he's trying to game the rules, but we all have our off days, and he had other things on his mind. Yes there are tech limits on what you can and can not bring into a world, but those limits are often about physics and the laws thereof.

Though not always. There is the rule about champions bringing in items/devices/etc of excessive tech, or higher tech, so you've already seen. There also appears to be a rule about bringing devices of significantly higher tech as well, but its only been hinted at, I don't think you've seen it applied yet. The rule on champions has affected Will in subtle ways in the previous books that you may not have noticed, otherwise all of the gods would simply recruit champions from high tech worlds and have them come to theirs and build high tech wonders and death machines (and then there would be no low tech worlds, or developing worlds).

This is why you haven't seen Will use his engineering skills to 'do great things'.

Also, most god's champions can not travel through portals. Will is Fel's first champion with that ability. Eveon is also the first of her god's with that ability. Tantrus, has had several, but then he is a very powerful and old (by that sphere's standards) god. The ability to sense portals is very rare. Until Will showed up in Hiland, no one in the kingdom, or any adjoining ones, had it. So random people stumbling in, with specialty items is going to be a very hit or miss proposition.

And therefore, because of all of this, you are going to see some very byzantine plots and behaviors by the gods revolving around or involving portals. Sometimes it makes my head hurt just thinking about it.


  1. I'm always worried how well people will take my criticisms. I try and limit myself to three or four for each book and usually that has hardcore fans yelling at me. But I'm glad you took it well.

    Also, wasn't one of the points in this book that Laria is going to become a main character since she has to follow will around? So yea, I do expect a little more from her. Also, people's reactions to the shocking can be kinda fun to some people. Having Laria ask things like

    "What is this beast of metal and..." Will opens the car door. "Oh my god, you ripped off its wing?"

    It's one of the things I was looking forward to when I found out you were taking a low tech person out into a hi-tech world.

  2. The other way around could be funny too.
    Like bringing Agent Addison to Saladin (maybe by mistake) and let him meet Goth

    Goth:"So how do you like Hiland?"
    Addison:"I think it's quite nice here, but it will take some time here to getting used to being a cat"
    "What's a cat?"
    "Ohh. It's a small, four legged animal we sometimes keep as pets in my home country"
    "But you are no animal, you are a man. And you are big, not small. And you have two legs, not four. And..." with that, she started rubbing herself against him "Hmmmm, considering it, I definitely could keep you as pet"
    Addison was now as speechless as clueless at what he should do with the purring mass attached to his side...

  3. Why would any primitive character see a car as a beast until it actually starts running? All they see is a small house or wagon made out of some strange material. Once it starts running, it becomes another thing, but she is smart and Will did explain the basics of Tech. Actually, I am glad there were no cliche reactions. I am a bit tired of those attack the car monster things ;)

    Come to think of it, I agree with the decision not to spend too much time on it, but if you do, please focus on differences in culture. It is much easier to deal with advanced technology without getting in panic, especially if you have somebody with you that you really trust. Culture is much harder, and it is also a good way to add some depth to Hilland's culture. What makes it unique beyond them looking like lions and living in a bronze/early iron age setting?

    As for bringing technology along, it might never have been mentioned, but it was certainly implied throughout the story in the past. Laws of physics might work differently, and even if something does work you probably do not want to draw the attention of the local power players. Personally I am much more curious about the biological implications, especially in regards to negative plane portals. Apparently everybody can use those (at least on hell's side), and if the wolats are decedents of Irish Wolfhounds than that implies a serious potential for ecological disaster about things like diseases. Will should better take care when taking organical stuff with him ;)

  4. Quoting MadFox11
    especially in regards to negative plane portals. Apparently everybody can use those

    Ahh! You caught that one! :-) I was wondering if anyone would notice. Tal and the others were able to see it, or they wouldn't have been able to block it when Will was recovering.


Please try to keep the comments clean and civil.