Monday, December 14, 2015

Does anyone else find it funny

That people go on about how bad a series is, yet they continue to read it?
If it's so bad, why can't they put it down?
Why do they keep reading it?
It's not like someone has a gun to their head!


  1. Different people have different views on the value of a star or how the five star system works. Some rate by how they feel. Some compare a whole 5 stars to equate to the quality of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. While others consider the inclusion or removal of stars to hinge on items from a list, like grammar or character depth. Sometimes people do all three (guilty.) It's entirely possible for someone to compartmentalize and thoroughly enjoy an entire series while giving every book one star for perceived failings of criteria from a list.

  2. Anonymous1:59 AM

    I think hope overrides common sense sometimes. I have found that I continue to buy new books in a series that has gone down hill in hopes that it will get back on track, but they vary do.

    Just bought the seventh book in a series that has been disappointing so ce book three, but I keep Hoping it will get didn't but I will probably buy book eight.

  3. I just gave a 1 star review to D.W. Jackson's Reborn 1-5 collection.
    Took 1 Star off for terrible spelling/grammar/word-usage.
    Took 1 star off for selling this terribly written book for $9.99.
    Took 1 star off for throwing a tantrum as his forward in some misguided attempt to validate the exorbitant pricing of his terribly written work.
    Took 1 star off for not having an editor. It's not that hard to find someone, somewhere to digitally highlight flaws in an advanced copy and email it back. Especially when he's writing episodes under 50 pages for $2.99. That's something he and his non-existing editor could of knocked out in an afternoon.

    The story itself was 5 stars all the way. Super awesome, love the LitRPG genre to the bone. Took me 7 months to mentally get over the price hurdle (severe prolonged boredom) to read and review.

  4. 1) I think the competition or jealous would be competition likes to throw poo at those they think have achieved success.

    2) I also think that people quite simply don't look at the amazon guide lines for stars. Is it three star or two star that amazon says indicates: by giving this rating I indicate that I will not be buying the next book in this series.

    3) As an adjunct to 2) I also think that people do not realize just how important a review rating is on both the amazon system and in other general readers view. Basically if you have low reviews amazon won't link you as well thus decreasing the series. Also as a reader most people won't buy books lower than a 4.0 rating. Or at least the vast majority of people. I know I give books an extra hard look if the rating is three point anything or lower and often won't buy unless there are only less than three reviews, in which case I check for troll reviews just to make double sure. So in short a 4 star rating means that this book has barely reached the minimum level to recommend a buy. 5 star means the book is a great read. 3 star or less indicates a warn off. Don't buy this book!

    So if you are giving out one star reviews realize that you are warning people off this book and series. Whether that's your intention or not.

    The Deposed King


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