Friday, May 13, 2016

Portals of Infinity: Kaiju (Book 7) is now available on Amazon

It went live very late last night and is now available:

Portals of Infinity: Kaiju


  1. Nice book. Loved to read it, but sadly too short.
    No, the book IS NOT SHORT. I'm just a too quick reader. ;-)
    It has a good length without any longueurs.
    I only wished it would had some kind of epilogue, to tie some minor open ends.

  2. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me an email, if they're not already planned to be addressed in the next book, I'll see what I can do :-)

    I'm probably starting book 8 on Tuesday, if not sooner. I'm just trying to choose between two different story lines.

  3. Thanks for the offer, but I don't think that would work.
    Because the open end are only linked to this book.
    Mostly, what happened to all the others in the two years (mostly the minor characters and locations).

    Spoiler alert
    Was the first war world 'successful'?
    What happened to Master Sergeant Tam?
    Did the library assistant like cats? ;-)
    Spoiler alert off
    Such kind of loose ends.
    Would have been a nice addition.
    And won't make sense to put these into the next book.

  4. the book was great, but I found one major plot hole, at least for me. It has been said multiple times in multiple books that champions cannot take any objects from other worlds into the world of their god. I'm assuming there is a loophole in there somewhere that allows it if all the gods agree, but nothing is mentioned of the rule at all. Otherwise it was a good read that I couldn't put down.

  5. Champions can not take a device or specially crafted item of a higher tech into their own world, unless it already exists in their world, basically. The device itself is not really that high-tech. It's really just a simple mechanical device with a mechanical timer.

    What kills the monster is the substance inside the sphere, that is released when the two halves are pulled apart.

    That substance is not a man-made substance, it's a refined natural substance, like uranium or plutonium used in a bomb. So that would allow it.

    Or you could also say that some of the substance already exists inside the Kaiju, so the champion is now bringing something to the world that is already there, so again, it's allowed.

    It's basically one of those two, and I'm not saying which :-) But I did think about it quite a bit.

  6. One of the best books in the series so far. Read it in a single night and ended up getting little sleep. But it was worth it =)

    And in my thinking I'd go with the 2nd reason. If you use the first one, it leaves the option for many high tech stuff to enter into that world, because many weapons can be natural things found in that world but are just refined greatly by technology.


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