Saturday, January 14, 2017

Cover Questions

I'm thinking of redoing a few of the earlier covers for the Portals of Infinity series. Primarily books 1, 2 and 4. But I'm really not sure of how to change them. I like #1, because I think it gives a good clue to the series, but others have said that the quality of my covers needs to improve. #2 I've grown a little unhappy with, and I've had a lot of people neg on #4. I do like #3, but if I change the others I may change that one as well.

As for the style, especially the style of #1 and #2, I was aiming for the 'forgotten realms' vibe when I commissioned them, that rough kind of artwork that they used to use. And it seemed to work very well for me.

But the question I have is: If I redo the cover early covers, which ones should I do?
Should I go for a similar style, just a more refined version?
And what do you think the covers should show?

I've got some ideas on all of this, but I don't want to put them up, I'd rather hear from my readers first. I won't be changing them anytime soon (end of February would be soonest, I have quarterly taxes do this month, and those will be eating up nearly all of my royalties), so you can give it some thought if you want. But I would like to hear any comments you have on the covers, positive, negative, what you liked or didn't like, and any suggestions for better scenes to put on them.

Thanks everyone!


  1. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Best to worst covers: 1, 3, 4, 2

    #1 - This cover is actually what convinced me to try buying the book. Not because of it's quality, but because of the subject matter. A modern person appearing in a medieval looking world. And hey, that is what the book is largely about when you start reading.

    #2 - Action feels very fake.

    #3 - No complaints on the cover.

    #4 - The scene is bland and doesn't draw my eye to anything in particular. It's just 2 cat people sitting on wolf-horses. Take a look at something like Elfquest with it's wolfriders for something more action-y, e.g.,

  2. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Honestly, I have no objections to the covers. They look a bit rough and simple, especially #2 looks fake, but I have seen much worse and I tend to ignore covers when it comes to Indy authors anyway. Good art costs money, and it says very little in regards to the quality of the story.

    #1: isn't this what book 1 is about? Although you could always go for Rachel being sacrifices...

    #2: Yeah, it feels a bit fake and it is also not really what the book is about. What about people on a small boat on the sea? There is a lot more sea travel going on than fights with cyclopses.

    #3: No real complaints, except that that particular scene is minor and very short part of the book. Than again, would art about building a Egyptian style of temple be more of a draw?

    #4: Sure, no action, but would a fight with those large prey be possible to draw? ;)

  3. Let me join the chorus:

    #1: Good - a little amateurish in execution, but spot-on as a quick intro to the book. Either keep it or (if you must) try to get it slightly refined. I'd keep it.

    #2: Ugh. Yes, it's actually fairly accurate to the story - but the actual art looks cartoonish, and not really that appealing. The small boat suggestion might be OK, or the band performing above a battle scene, or maybe Circe's isle - but at the very least, clean this one up.

    #3: Yep, a minor scene. No real objections as a cover, though. It works if you know the series, maybe not a big draw for new readers. But it won't send them away, either.

    #4: A little rough. I think you could clean it up a bit and it'd be OK. I think the quality of the art falls in an uncomfortable state where either more realism or more stylized would work better.

    #5: Works OK. It's good enough I'd not worry about it unless you're planning on redoing the whole series.

    #6: Like #5. Does the job, doesn't turn off new readers.

    #7: Works really well. My second favorite cover (after #1)


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