Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Coming Soon

Should be up for pre-order soon.


  1. Sweet!! Just finished the 7th book and now can read this one once it's out in paperback!! ;D

    1. I'm debating reformatting all of the POI books into 5x8 versus the current 6x9. Which of course would be a bunch of work. But as you prefer paperbacks, would you find 5x8 more appealing? Or does it not matter to you?

    2. I'm good either way, but thanks for asking! ;-)

  2. Amazon says it will be out March 23.

    Did you make some one there upset?

    1. No, that was just how I had to work the pre-order so I'd be able to update it still when my beta readers get back to me tomorrow. You can't change the book for 4 days before the live date.

      So you can pre-order know, but it won't come out until this coming Friday.

  3. Just curious if you are still having major pirating problems with your books or if it was just that one series?

    1. It still goes on, mostly with this series. I just try to ignore it these days.

    2. That is unfortunate, gl with it.

    3. Anonymous3:41 PM

      ... I have to say that´s how I got into the series. Found a giant folder with about ~100 e books on it and one of them the first book of the Portel of Infinity series. Later after I got my first few paychecks I bought every one as an e-book, cause.... I have to get my fix of books, you know.
      But joking aside, I have to say sorry for pirating many years ago and thanks for writing great storys
      And to be true as a child I would never had the chance to get the money to buy any of the books, but now I have job so, yay I can pay you back for the hundreds of hours of fun?!

      From a international fan

    4. If someone goes on to buy my books, I don't hold any grudges.
      If someone truly can't afford it, it's hard to get upset.
      The problem is, I've found a fair deal of the people who pirate have the money, they can afford it. They spend 5 or 6 dollars on a cup of coffee and thousands of dollars on a gaming rig. Those are the ones that annoy me.


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