Friday, July 12, 2024

Book 4 of Wolfhounds will be out soon

 I realized today I hadn't posted anything here in a bit. Part of that is I've been making posts on my SubStack, which have been more about writing, and part of that has just been trying to get bk4 finished. It's about 10 days behind schedule right now, because of life stuff. Like getting sick, or getting injured :-P. 

However the 1st draft is done and it should start the editing process in a few days. I'll start the re-write tonight. 

The title is 'War Child' btw, I'll put up more about it as I get the cover and such.


  1. Hope you are feeling better soon. Excited to hear about book 4, can't wait to read it!

  2. Stephen R Maynard11:11 AM

    Wishing you a speedy recovery. Very happy that you've decided to ignore the negative people and continue the "Wolfhounds" series. Very excited to see how this plays out. Love the writing and the story line. I've been checking the blog regularly and was very excited to see your progress.

  3. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I too am waiting patiently for the 4th book of the Wolfhounds series. Thank you and I hope you are better


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