Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Portals of Infinity - Book One: Champion for Hire, Audio Book is almost finished!

The Audio Book version of Book One: Champion for Hire is nearing completion! Rob Shamblin, who is doing the narration has really been doing a wonderful job and is actually ahead of schedule.
Hopefully we'll have the audio version available well before Thanksgiving. As this is my first foray into the world of Audiobooks, I have no idea how long the process takes, once the narrative part is done. But Rob assured me it will be out before the holiday.

He really is very talented. Hope I can get him to do the next book as well!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Thinking of going exclusive to Amazon only

I've been thinking of going exclusive to Amazon only of late. The biggest reason why is that's where the vast majority of my sales are. Smashwords sells a few, itunes a couple, and Barnes and Noble only a few as well.
But if I go exclusive to Amazon I can get into some of the unlimited programs, which may help garner more sales. Which is the name of the game after all.


Monday, October 20, 2014

Some people I just don't understand

So, I was reading a review for a scifi book, and the reviewer was going on in some detail as to the 'poor writing' of the story. Or at least what they considered poor writing. They mentioned at one point how most of the book (I think they said 80 percent) was about sex, and all nothing but sex. Which if it had been, it probably would have been a best seller, but I ended up wondering if they were reading the same book I was? Yeah, I think there were a couple of sex scenes in the book (mild I'd say by today's standards) and sex was alluded to more than once (as in people were sleeping together! The horror!)

But I really don't have any idea where the hell they came up with that idea. To be honest I think that they didn't read the book at all, or if they did, they read some of the book, and then tossed it and wrote their review. But I've seen this before, and I often wonder if they even really bought the book, or if they did buy it, if they just returned it (so they never really paid for it, but still get the tag saying they did) so they could just write a nasty review that has very little relation to the story.

I used to always give the 5 star reviews a bit of a careful view, because you'd wonder if friends or family wrote them. But these days, I'm starting to wonder about the negative reviews, because I'm starting to see negative reviews on books that have very little relationship to the story. They'll take an aspect of the story, slag it, and then claim that's going on throughout the book. Maybe it's just the latest form of trolling?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Book 3 is finished! Will be available soon.

Actually I finished it last weekend. At this point I'm waiting for feedback from my Beta readers, the cover to be delivered, and then a last pass for editing. So Portals of Infinity, Book Three: Of Temples and Trials will be available for sale within the next two weeks.

I'm sorry it wasn't available already, but taking the Oregon job pushed the book's completion back a good ten days. I don't have a release date on book four yet, but rest assured that there will be one.

Friday, October 03, 2014

A Question for my readers

I'd appreciate a response from those who read this.

Which do you prefer in a story?
a) 1st Person
b) 3rd Person
c) Doesn't matter.

I ask because while most of my stuff is 1st person, some of the stuff I'm looking at in the future maybe be 3rd person. And I was curious as to how my readers feel about that.


Friday, September 26, 2014

POI Book 3: I still need a name...

Well book three is about two thirds complete at this point. I was hoping to have the first draft complete by Tuesday, but I don't think that's going to happen now as Tuesday is going to be a travel day. My target of releasing book 3 by Halloween is still on, I'm hoping to have the first draft done by the 10th, if not sooner.

I'm not sure yet how much about the story I want to reveal at this point, though a fair deal will take place on Saladin. Yes there are quite a few hanging threads left from book 2 that will eventually be dealt with, but I won't tell you exactly when. I do think a fair deal of them should be tied up by book 4. In general the overall arc is set, it just comes down to how many words it takes to get through certain story lines in the books.

The gap between book 3 and book 4 will be a larger one, mainly because of the Holidays and some traveling that I will have to do during that period, as well as wanting to spend some time with my family. I've been getting a few requests for another book in the Children of Steel universe, and there already is a bit of plot development sitting around. So I may do that up before book 4 of Portals Of Infinity comes out. But I don't think it will be too long a wait, right now I think March is the latest that book 4 will come out. Half of book 4 is already plotted out, I just need to commit it to paper.

And as I said in the headline, I still need a title for book 3. Sometimes titles are elusive for me and I need to finish the story before I can find it.

Paperback version of book 2 should be available in a little over a week.

The Audio Book version of book one should come out in November, and if the response is good book two will follow that.

And as always, thanks to all of you for buying and reading my stories.

Monday, September 15, 2014

I'm not Politically Correct and even my writing sometimes has typo's

I doubt this will come as much of a surprise to anyone who has read my books, but I'm not politically correct. The purpose of my writing is to try and have fun. The latest series of books (which is by no means finished btw) is fantasy, and it's just meant to be enjoyable. I find it interesting however that some people seem to take issue with certain aspects, as if looking to find deeper political meaning.

When I'm not laughing out loud at some of the better comments that is :-)

Now I will admit that there are parts of the story that are a bit involved and have some back story to them. Some might be a bit harder than others to decipher because I took the explanation of those things out, either because I thought it wasn't important, or some other reason. Though I did leave the hints about them in. I did see one person ask about why Will was chosen, and how that should have been made clearer, and that there should have been a lot more about that process and how maybe someone better than Will should (or could?) have been chosen.

From the author point of view (hey! that's me!) I wanted Will to be only slightly above average, and that comes from him having gone to college and gotten a degree. I wasn't looking for the bad ass special forces guy who can over power you with the strength of his scowl, or the super martial artist ninja type who can devastate whole towns with his amazing triganjinsuperspinjumpstrikekick, or even the super intellectual who not only knows all the answers, but drives around in a big blue box.

Getting more to the point, it is made clear (well at least I thought it was clear!) in several spots that the ability to jump through portals is rare, very rare, and perhaps inherited? Also at one point in Book One it is mentioned that he was run through a number of 'tests' before being 'chosen' for the particular job he ends up with. And that at least two previous people who were also tested didn't fair very well. Now as to what those tests were, I actually have a list of all the tests he was subjected to throughout the course of the story, there are nine of them. I won't post them here because I think they contain a bit too many spoilers for both present and future books in the series, however I suspect that one day they most likely will come up.

Remember what Stephanie says to Will near the end of Book One when they're out of earshot of their respective bosses. The Job isn't about being the best person, it's about being the right person.

As for some of the other comments, I guess some people have never been young and in love (or middle aged and in love!) maybe I come from a different generation (or world perhaps? Maybe that was a portal I fell through that day... hmmm) but there are many fun little games one plays with one's lover, they used to call it 'slap and tickle', and if after twenty years you're still playing it, obviously you picked the right person. Of course these little PDA's are different for everyone, people are of course all different and some are more physically demonstrative than others.

But pinching is evil? Really? Guess I was out when that memo was sent around! I wonder if it's still evil if the girl is doing the pinching? Any women out there want to comment? I had some old girlfriends that loved to pinch if you weren't paying attention.

And of course let's not forget that the stories are fantasy and they're written about a man, so yes, we see things from the man's point of view. Something which I feel has become rather rare in recent years. Not that I'm finding fault with the writers who primarily write female protagonists, I like a lot of those writers and their stories too. Why? Because they're fun! They entertain me! They entertain the reader! And that is my goal here as well, to entertain.

My hero isn't perfect and never will be. He sometimes may do bad things or the wrong thing. He will make mistakes probably as well. If he feels those he loves and cares about are threatened he may even get mean and nasty. The laws, customs, and practices in different realities and fantasy settings are not going to be the same as those here. Though perhaps if some people read a little history they might just realize that their complaint was pretty laughable on its face.

So yes, I'm not politically correct, and neither are my stories (though I do try to get those pesky typo's, honest!) My stories aren't meant to advance an agenda, they're meant to be enjoyed by the people who read them. That is my goal. Of course I'm not perfect either, but I do strive to stay on track and meet that prime goal of entertainment. If I can do that, if I can give people hours of entertainment, then I have accomplished the one thing that is important to me: I have made you smile.

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, September 06, 2014

'Portals of Infinity, Book Two: The God Game' is now up for Pre-orders

The next book in the Portals of Infinity series is now available for Pre-Order on both Amazon and Smashwords (Barnes & Noble doesn't do pre-order yet). The release date is September 10th, which is next Wednesday.

Book three is almost half way complete, I'd hoped to be past the halfway point today, but I ended up having to do author stuff other than writing. So I'll probably end up writing over the weekend to catch back up. Book three doesn't have a name yet (or a cover), and right now release is targeted for the end of October. I hope that's not being too ambitious!

Also, Book One is now available in print, from Createspace (
It will be be available through Amazon in a few days, it just takes a while for it to filter through the website.

Now it's back to work...

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Portal of Infinity, Book 1 sales.

Well book 1, Champion for Hire has been selling rather well and gaining good reviews! I have been in the top one hundred for the 'gods & goddesses' sub-category for more than a week now, which I guess isn't that big of a deal because it doesn't get displayed on the page.
However, I did make it into the top one hundred for 'Swords & Sorcery' the other day and stayed there for all of the evening, but sadly I fell out during the overnight. Guess not enough insomniacs bought my book.

But I remain hopeful, I've been seeing good sales spikes on the weekends, so I'm hoping I'll make it back into that category, and then who knows? Maybe I can try to make the top one hundred for Fantasy! THAT would be quite an achievement!

And to all of you that have bought my book, thank you! I do appreciate you taking the time to buy and read my work. For those who have taken the time to write a review, I appreciate that very much, as your words do let others know that my work is worth their time and money. The next book (The God Game) is almost ready to go, just need to format it. I got the cover last night and I'm happy with it, Dane at has been very helpful and I like his work.

It will be released on the 10th of September.

Again, thank you all for your time, and I will be setting up a mailing list here very soon.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Portals of Infinity, Book 1: Champion for Hire

Well the new book is out! I got it released Sunday morning and so far have been very happy with the results. I had been waiting for the final version of the book cover, which due to an email problem was delayed a few days. Will have to make sure that doesn't happen again.

I know I should have written this post a bit sooner, like probably on the day I released the story, but this week has been pretty hectic. Actually the whole month has been pretty busy. I need to get my ebook artist working on the cover for book 2, which will be released on the tenth of next month, the day before I go off to the air races. I also need to sit down and start writing book 3! I've got it plotted, book 4 has a basic outline as well. My goal is to try and release around every 4 to 5 weeks, but I don't know how easy that schedule will be to keep up with. I suspect that by the time I hit book 4 I may have to slow down a little.

But for now, please read the book, and let me know how much you enjoyed it!

And as always, if you liked it, please please please rate and review it! Without ratings Amazon and the other booksellers will push it to the back of the bus, regardless of sales. Four and Five star ratings are key, and the more of those the book gets, the more Amazon will show it to people who are searching for something to read. Like it or not that is the way Amazon plays the game, and so I am forced to ask for your help. So please, if you liked it, rate it highly and say why (no spoilers!) and again, I thank you for your efforts!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

So the next book is ready to go but...

So the next book is done. Actually the next two books are done, as they're I and II of a series. I've had my beta readers read them, I've edited and re-edited, cleared up mistakes, etc.

But I'm face with two problems: The first is that I have no idea what to put on the covers. The second is that I don't really have the money to hire someone to do a cover right now.

Now the second problem will soon be corrected, as I just took an assignment in Lost Wages for the next six or so months. However I'm still really at a loss on the cover angle. I do have a suggestion from one reader for the cover for book two, and I'll probably go with that. But I really need to figure out book one, then of course track down a cover artist to do the cover for me.

I'm hopeful at this point that the new book will be live by the end of July. The name of the series is: Portals Of Infinity. The title for Book I is 'Champion for Hire'.

I really need to figure out what I'm going to write next, but I've been sort of focused on the new assignment. However as I'm hoping to have a lot of free time on my hands in the evenings (I don't know anyone in Vegas and I'm not really the gambling type) I'm thinking I should put that to use writing.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

An interesting post by Mark Coker

From Mark Coker at Smashwords. Definitely a must read for authors.